Monday, March 12, 2018

1st Grade Black-Out Party

The first graders have worked really hard to make good choices as a whole class.  Last week, after we earned our 100th sticker for our great behavior, we voted on how we should celebrate.  The idea that won our vote was having a “black-out party.” The children brought in small flashlights, glow sticks, and some students even wore glow in the dark clothing.  The children had a fantastic time shining their flashlights on my book, When Charlie McButton Lost Power.  They also had fun dancing to several Go Noodle songs while shining their flashlights on the ceiling and received a glow stick necklace from me to help celebrate our great choices.  Mrs. Starr even came in and joined in our fun!  

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Dr. Seuss Celebration

We had such a fun-filled week celebrating Dr. Seuss and his wonderful writing.  We had a dress-up theme to match one of his books each day.  We were also lucky to have a guest reader visit our room each day to read a Dr. Seuss book to us.  

On Friday, the 1st graders met with their 4th grade buddies to read a Dr. Seuss poem, talk about rhyming words and search for them/highlight them within the poem.  It's fun to study authors and their writing craft! 

The students are currently learning about opinions and persuading a reader by writing a letter sharing their opinion about one of Dr. Seuss' books and their reasons for why you should read it.  The 1st graders are really working hard!  

"What Pet Would You Get?"

 Mr. Nelson

 Mrs. Starr

Mrs. Rupnow

 Dr. Gunderson

"Dress Like A Book Character"

 Cat in the Hat and Fox in Socks

Mr. McMahon